Saturday, November 29, 2008

How Mary lived FAITH...Part 1

A sharing by Bro Emmanuel..

1) Faith, Hope and Charity, as lived by Mary our Mother and Model, and
2) How through these she succeeded to reveal Christ to the World.

"Mary, as the Model of True Discipleship: She walked by Faith and Not by Sight. She lived in hope and Knew no despair. She lived constantly in Love, never knowing Hatred.

Today, i just want to show how Mary in her own simple way, lived FAITH. The rest Hope and Love ensue from this.

The theme of this topic is Living Faith:
The Best way to treat with it is to Take Mary as our Model.

If we want to be a true disciple of Jesus, we must IMITATE the most perfect model of discipleship: Mary, the Mother of our Lord.

Jesus' own life was ruled by 2 principles:
a) total dedication to the Father, and
b) total dedication to his mission.

Mary's life was ruled by the same principles:
a) "Let it be done onto me according to your word."
b) She lived totally for the mission for her Son.

If we look at the gospels, we discover a progressive interest in Mary. Mark and Matthew have not much to say about her, but Luke and John have her playing a more decisive role in the life of Jesus and the Church. Not only is she present when the Messiah entered the World, but also when the Church is born at Pentecost.

The image of Mary needs alot of changes in our imagination. If we take the Incarnation seriously and if Jesus was the greatest religious leader ever born, his mother must have been a remarkable woman and not the sweet little girl that disappeared into the background. The more we take the humanity of Christ for real, the more his mother moves into the foreground as an extraordinary woman who not only bore such a man, but who also raised him. It seems that the woman who was so fasinated with Jesus spontaneously realise what kind of mother he must have had when she exclaimed, "Blessed the womb that bore you and the breasts you sucked." (Luke 11:27)

Luke's gospel, written around the year 80 A.D., i.e., one generation after Mary's death, reveals a remarkable devotion to Mary, already present in the community for which and in which he wrote his gospel. Around that time, we already find a developed devotion to her among some communities.

John, who always sees Mary in connection with the Church, put her at the openining and closing of Jesus' Ministry: At Cana and Under the Cross (John 2:1-11; 19:25-27)

I would like to present to you, the main biblical texts that refer to Mary and to show through these texts, what discipleship really implies: To walk by Faith and not by sight

To be continue....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Discernment of Spirits

2nd session with Bro Emmanuel…The Gift Discernment

"WHAT IS DISCERNING OF SPIRIT? This gift is the power that is given to use by God to distinguish one spirit from another. It is the supernatural ability, which God gives to certain of His people to discern the motivation behind any unusual event or manifestation. There are 3 sources of motivation underlying human events and activities. One flows from the Holy Spirit, another from the human spirit, and yet another from Satan himself. This gift enables a believer to pinpoint the exact source of any statement or manifestation, thus protecting the Church from counterfeits of Satan.

His Holiness Pope Paul VI said that the greatest gift of the Holy Spirit is the Gift of DISCERNMENT. Too often we are blinded by what happens in our life and we are misguided. Every Catholic must strive at discovering the WILL OF GOD in his life. For this he has to fight against three great enemies:-The World, the Flesh and Wrong Doing.

Without proper DISCERNMENT one can easily make the wrong choice. We have two choices in life. We can either CHOOSE GOD or SATAN. God wants to draw all of us to Himself. Satan swore to take all of us away from God. We have to make our Choice. This Growth in Spirit Experience can and will help us to be on the side of God now and forever.

Jesus throughout his Life on earth taught us how to distinguish the Spirit of His Father as against all kinds of other spirits. We are thought that there are three great enemies in the world and they are the World, the Flesh and Wrongdoing. In these three instances, we are putting into exercise our FREEDOM to choose what is right and to avoid what is evil. We have to choose between GOD and DEVIL. Our happiness will depend on the right choice. LET us pray that this right choice will always be GOD and His Holy Will.

OUR task is to be able to detect and become more and more aware of the PRESENCE and INFLUENCE of the EVIL SPIRIT in our life and around us. Sometimes he is so subtle that we do not even notice him, and his effects on our life.

The purpose of this talk is to enable you to understand how SATAN works and to detect his presence and activity. ALL these to help you to resist SATAN by wearing the armor of God.


Satan is real. Man is a psychological, social and a cultural animal AND also and above all a spiritual creature. Because of this he must confront SATAN and EVIL SPIRITS.

The MODERN WORLD dismisses the notion of a personal evil force as a fantasy devised by superstitious and ignorant men looking for a scapegoat. Many Christians who acknowledge Jesus’ Lordship dismiss Satan as a superstition. The tendency today is that people do not believe in any kind of spiritual powers be they from God or from the Devil.

Yet, Scripture, tradition and personal experience all testify to the presence of a personal evil force opposing God and his plan. Scripture speaks of Satan as an angel and asserts that he has other angels, called evil spirits. Satan and the Evil spirits are real and we must deal with them in the Christian life.

SATAN not only exists, but he wields tremendous power. Satan is a fallen angel. He still possesses some of the power his angelic nature. Man and the affairs of man are helpless before this mighty spiritual force. Man trembles in the presence of SATAN. But SATAN trembles even more in the presence of God. Satan trembles with fear in the presence of God and of His Son, Jesus. If we are on the side of God and of Jesus, we need not fear. The power of God brings freedom from Satan’s control.

Satan opposes God everywhere and fights him with all the weapons he can find. He often uses even things, which are good in them to fight God. Scriptures warns us that Satan comes to us disguised as an angel of light. SATAN is determined to destroy the Kingdom of God. Scripture calls Satan “prince of this world”. Satan is implicated in so many things viz. Political events, international crisis, in the cause of human sufferings: war, racism, famine, crime, poverty, and disease… You name it, Satan is in it. Satan aims at disrupting social order through people who appear to be good and who are greatly influential. He even affects the body of Christ, causing division and spreading weakness within the Church. Of course, GOD IS ALSO AT WORK in the WORLD but SATAN claims to be the ruler of this world; he has gained the office through the popular election of mankind.

SATAN also works in the live of individuals. He subjects men to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual harassment and bondage. SATAN is able to twist and deceive men so that their lives no longer reflect the harmony and goodness of God. In spite of Satan’s great efforts to destroy the world, and mankind, CHRIST’S reign will come to this World with greater impact than ever before.


SATAN unceasingly attacks men in every area of his life to take him away from the loving embraces of God. And these areas are:

1) THE OCCULT – that is Satanism, witchcraft, spiritualism and other forms of divination. People who attempt to gain spiritual knowledge of power from sources other than God run the risk of entering into spiritual communication with evil spirits. CHRISTIANS should renounce OCCULT influences, deny it and destroy anything that leads to it. The occult is a focus of satanic activity. We do not food around with the OCCULT.

2) The BIZZARE = The ECCENTRIC – those uncanny and inexplicable happenings which involve changes in our normal sensory perception. It includes an eerie sense of the presence of someone or something or an unusual perception change in sight, sound, or smell… such a person will feel a hallucination-like experience. Drugs, alcohol, fatigue and illness can induce such changes. When these are not the cause, bizarre happenings may be the work of evil spirits.

3) IRRATIONAL FEELINGS – Satan lies at the root of many crippling, persistent, neurotic fears which have no rational basis: fears of people, high places, dogs, death, among others. Satan frequently causes sudden irrational impulses: to drive a car off the road, to leap from a 20-story window, or to commit some homicidal or suicidal act… some of these things may be the result of some psychological disorders but more often than none they are caused by evil spirits working to place us in bondage and to cause our downfall.


4) TEMPTATIONS – Satan frequently causes daily difficulties with thoughts and emotions. Temptations come from many places, but one source is certainly Satan and evil spirits. Satan is called the “father of lies” and “the accuser of our brethren”. He is often behind unfounded guilt feelings, self-condemnation, and false or evil thoughts about God, oneself, or others.

5) ADDICTION – is a bondage to beings that by nature are no gods? Such spirits are often strongly implicated in addictions to alcohol, narcotics, compulsive eating, homosexuality, masturbation, gambling and other compulsive activity. Addictions are complicated phenomena, and we must consider many natural and psychological factors when searching for their sources. Nevertheless, Satan is often the jailer behind the bars of addiction.


6) FEAR of God’s work etc… is other areas Satan explores to take us away, far away from GOD. Christians should never feel that their spiritual lives are immune from satanic attacks.


Christians should not over-simplify or over-spiritualize the causes of their personal problems by attributing every difficulty to Satan. Many forces – not all of them satanic – operate to cause us trouble. To attribute To attribute everything to Satan can itself be a deception of Satan. However, Christians must be aware of spiritual realities. One of theses realities is that Satan and evil spirits do exist, that they operate in our personal lives, and that we must reckon with them when we deal with our difficulties.


DISCERNMENT – To win freedom from a personal problem, it is usually necessary to detect its source. A doctor cannot prescribe a remedy until he diagnoses the disease. If wrongdoing has caused a problem, the remedy until he diagnoses the disease. If wrongdoing has caused a problem, the remedy is repentance and reconciliation. It will be fruitless and perhaps dangerous to deal with a problem of wrongdoing as though evil spirits were the cause. Similarly, repentance will bring no relief if Satan is at the root of a problem; a special prayer may be required. Nevertheless a Christian who is uncertain about the source of a difficulty should not fear. God loves his people and he will provide both a diagnosis and a remedy for their ills.

THE ARMOUR OF GOD – once we know that the evil spirits are implicated in a problem, we must use the right weapons to combat them. “Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”.

1) TRUTH – the first essential piece of armor is the truth. Jesus calls Satan “a liar and the father of lies.” Satan is the great DECEIVER… Many of his tricks and deceptive acts go like these: “God does not love you… How could he love a person as weak and foolish as you? … God who is he? … You certainly are an incompetent and worthless human being…. No one loves you, and no one will ever love you…
WE CAN COUNTER such deceits by knowing the truth fully and clearly, and addressing it both to Satan and to the tempted mind. “God created me and loves me. He is my father. Jesus has died for me and won forgiveness for me etc.”

2) RIGHTEOUSNESS – it is the breastplate of God’s armor. We live righteously when we submit to the commandments of God. SATAN invites us (temptation) and he comes into us only if we open the door of our hearts to him.

3) FAITH – The shield of faith reminds us of the source of the Christian’s authority over Satan – the power of God. A Christian must trust, have faith, in the power of God. He must be assured that God can always handle SATAN and puts him in his place. WE can conquer with the help of GOD at all times.

4) GOD’S WORD – The sword of the Christian’s armor is the word of God. We should use the word of God to resist Satan. One must learn to command Satan out of his life, his project. WE must pray the prayer of DELIVERANCE. But this prayer must be used cautiously and with the permission of the Bishop.

5) CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY – Community is another powerful source to combat SATAN. The body of Christ is a fortress against the onslaughts of Satan. Christian community provides DISCERNMENT and also SPIRITUAL PROTECTION.

6) CERTAIN VICTORY – “I saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven.” Satan is real. The power of God is far greater than the power of a fallen angel."
By Bro Emmanuel, St Anthony Church (Woodlands)
Every Wednesday, 8pm at St Thomas Room.

Friday, November 14, 2008

How to walk in the Spirit

1st session with Brother Emmanuel... "How to walk in the Spirit"

"One must realize that in the Plans of God, the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit Himself is at work in the world today and He will be so until the ends of time. Jesus as you will recall made it very clear what the role of the Holy Spirit is:-

The role of the Holy Spirit is to SANCTIFY us. Sanctify us means to help us become holy and be ready for Eternal Life.

Yes, the role of the Holy Spirit is also to Reveal Jesus completely to ourselves during our life time - And also to empower us to do even greater things than Jesus himself has done during His life time.

As members of the Catholic Church and as Catholics, if we are ready for a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit that exceeds anything we have ever thought possible, put on this evening you seat belts and listen attentively to what I have to reveal to you...

My brothers and sisters in Christ, I am neither a world wide evangelist nor an official pastor of our church. But like you, I do not want to lead a dry, boring and dull Christian life. I want to walk closer to God, to hear His voice, and to have an exciting and wonderful journey with Him. Join me in that journey.

In the world today, millions and millions of Christians are satisfied to settle for the dry shadow of Christianity that knows about the Word of God, and not the God of the Word. Are we of that category?

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..." is an incredible invitation from the Creator of the universe. God does not desire us to worship Him with our lips and rituals only every Sunday in service. But to enter into a genuine relationship, so close and loving, where He knows our heart, and we know His heart.

I do not know about you, but I used to feel that God is distant. But the bible says that the cause of this is not God, but I! My desires and focus on material possessions, entertainment and religious worship created a wall between God and me.

Good news! If we are willing to humble ourselves and open up our hearts to receive Him, He will fill our body with His Holy Spirit and reveal to us the truth about Himself,

Prayers will no longer be like chanting a wish list to God that doesn't seem to be paying any attention, but will be like a fulfilling chat or heart to heart conversation between best friends where each shares the deepest secrets of their hearts. Are we ready to have a heart to heart chat with God? With Jesus?

This is only possible when we know the Spirit of God, purchased by the blood of Jesus when He died for our sins 2000 years ago. I know that I know that I know when you begin to know the Holy Spirit more and more, you will have a passion for God that burns like a fire in your heart!

Keep on Walking by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit suppresses in us the evil impulses of nature as we trust Him to do so. As we cooperate with Him in the work of sanctification He enables us to be victorious in the Christian life.

It is our responsibility to submit our life to the control of the Holy Spirit.

In the context of a church biting, devouring and destroying Christian fellowship, the apostle Paul admonished Christians to "walk by the spirit". Conduct yourself under the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. Let the inward impulses of the Holy Spirit continue to control your behavior. Today in the context of a materialistic, atheist and fun-power-selfish filled world, the same reminder from St Paul can, and is being admonished unto us.

The Spirit is the source of all good and gracious impulses in our life. He works within us, enabling us with sanctifying power. The Spirit gives us wisdom and direction and by His help and power, we live and overcome the inevitable temptations, sorrows and joys in life.

The present tense of the verb "to walk" indicates a continuing condition or need. Paul is encouraging us to keep on doing what they have been doing, i.e., "Keep on walking by the Spirit." Keep in step; don't fall out now.

It is our responsibility to make the Holy Spirit the rule of our life. We must live continually in and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the Spirit always continue to direct our life, and when He is guiding our life, "we will not carry out the desire of the flesh."

How does the Christian fulfill the "righteousness of the law" without becoming legalists? Romans 8:4 tells us "walk after the Spirit." "So that the requirement of the Law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit" (Romans 8:4)

Instead of biting, devouring, and consuming one another, which is the result of fulfilling the desire of the flesh, let the Holy Spirit produce His kind of righteousness in our life.

As a believer, let us "keep on walking" through life depending on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God for His guidance and power.

The emphasis the apostle Paul is making is, this submission to the Holy Spirit is the responsibility of the individual. The Holy Spirit does not operate automatically in each one of us... We do not become robots when we believe in Christ. However, as we Catholics do yield to the Spirit's control, the promise is that we emphatically will not carry out the desires of the flesh. Paul uses a strong double negative to reinforce this great truth. The Holy Spirit wants us to be obedient and when we do obey Him, we overcome these evil desires (vv. 19-21). Let us therefore this evening, commit ourselves anew to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to lead us, mould us, and help us to walk with Him all the days of our life.

This great Biblical truth frees us from going to the extremes of liberty as license and lordship as legalism. True Christianity is neither license nor legalism. We have been set free to live Christ. "It was for freedom that Christ set us free. Therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery" (5:1). The Holy Spirit frees us to live in that spiritual freedom. He frees us from the penalty and power of sin and will one day free us from the presence of sin. The Bible teaches us that the human body is not sinful; it is neutral. However, when the Holy Spirit is in control of the body, we live in a manner that pleases God. It is when the Holy Spirit is not in control that we live in a way that fulfills the desires of the flesh-- the old nature with its sinful behavior. We cannot win the spiritual victory by our own personal strength or will power. Once we let the Holy Spirit guide us, "then we will never satisfy the passions of the flesh." The promise is realized in those who continually walk or live by the Spirit. Those who walk by the Spirit will definitely not fulfill the desires of the flesh. This is the only assurance that we will not yield to the power within us that leads to sinful behavior. We will always know who or what is in control by the work (vv. 19-21), or the fruit (v.22-25).

Is this not an encouraging teaching showing us what the HOLY SPIRIT can do to each and everyone of us who surrender fully to Him and let Him guide us and lead us to Jesus who finally will lead us to the Father?"

- From Bro. Emmanuel (adopted from an article)
Every Wednesday, 8pm @ Church of Saint Anthony of Padua, St Thomas Room (Singapore, Woodlands)